Case Study 1
TAS was engaged in the beginning of 2011 by Hospital A, a 290-bed, community-based hospital to manage its anesthesia service line. The hospital utilizes an MD:CRNA model and the anesthesia subsidy was growing at an unsustainable rate.
Through effective collaboration between the hospital and TAS, the majority of the existing anesthesia staff was retained while reducing the subsidy by 34% in the first year.
The hospital and TAS continue to work together to improve efficiencies. The continued goal is to make additional reductions in the anesthesia subsidy while maintaining the ability to recruit and retain quality anesthesiologists and anesthetists.
Case Study 2
TAS was engaged in the beginning of 2010 by Hospital B, a 140-bed, community-based hospital to manage its anesthesia service line. The hospital utilizes an MD:CRNA model and the anesthesia subsidy was growing at an unsustainable rate.
By working closely with hospital administration, the anesthesia subsidy was reduced by 71%. All vested parties continue to work together to maintain high quality care while reducing the anesthesia subsidy. |